Construction on the new Warm Springs Grill + Golf facility is underway. Please use caution when traveling around the course and follow all signed directions.

~Men's Leagues~


Mens Golf League Warm Springs- June 2022 -DanielOlson-7I8A3315.JPGMembership-IGA photo.png     Mens Golf League Warm Springs- June 2022 -DanielOlson-7I8A3475.JPG

All League and Tournaments players must have a current IGA Membership with Warm Springs Men's Golf Association as their home course. 

Men's Twilight Leagues fill up quickly- If you would like to join a league or sub, please email John Russell.



ELIGIBILITY: All players must be members of the Warm Springs Men's Association and have an IGA handicap. The maximum handicap allowed for league play is 36. Substitute players are not required to be members of the Warm Springs Men's Association, but must have an IGA or other recognized golf handicap.

LEAGUE: This league shall consist of 16 (2-man) teams. Regular league play will consist of 12 weeks of play. The format for play will alternate weekly between Scramble, Best-Ball and Chapman formats.

TEAMS: Each team will consist of 2 players, whose handicap spread should not exceed 10 strokes.

LEAGUE PLAY & SCORING: All matches are worth 2 points. If the team you are playing does not show up, you will receive one point, but you must beat your team handicap to earn the other point. All scoring will be done on Golf Genius.

SCHEDULES: Starts late April, please check with Golf Shop for details.



ELIGIBILITY: All players must be members of the Warm Springs Men's Association and have an IGA handicap. The maximum handicap allowed for league play is 36. Substitute players are not required to be members of the Warm Springs Men's Association, but must have an IGA or other recognized golf handicap.

LEAGUE: The league shall consist of 14 teams. Regular league play shall consist of 13 weeks of play, such that each team plays against every other team once.

TEAMS: Each team shall consist of 4 players. Teams shall designate players as "A", "B", "C", and "D" in an ascending order of handicap, such that the "A" player is the lowest handicap and the "D" player is the highest handicap. Letter designation shall change during the year in response to a change in handicaps.

LEAGUE PLAY & SCORING: Regular league play is 13 weeks, divided into 7 weeks for the first half and 6 weeks for the second half. Each night of regular league play, two opposing teams are called to the tee box and play 9 holes of golf against each other, "A" player against "A" player, "B" player against "B" player, etc., in two groups of four players. Two opposing players play for two points, one point for match play and one point for stroke play, adjusted for differing handicaps. Players shall use their current course handicap as shown in the IGA handicap schedule published twice monthly. For match play purposes, strokes for differences in handicap fall on the hardest holes. Example: Two opposing players have handicaps of 14 and 17. The higher handicap player receives two strokes (for 9 hole play), one each on the #1 handicap hole and the #3 handicap hole. For stroke play, the higher handicap player receives a 2-stroke adjustment from total gross score. Note: When league play is assigned to the front nine holes, in the above example, the higher handicap player would receive only a 1-stroke adjustment for the #2 handicap hole and for total stroke score.

FEES AND PAYOFF: League fees and payoffs to be determined at a later date. The league will pay the first five teams at the end of the first half and the first five teams at the end of the second half as follows. In the event of ties, place monies will be split between the tying teams.

RULES OF GOLF: Standard rules of golf shall apply to league play. Putts may be conceded between opposing players.

GREEN FEES: Greens fees for the full season are due by April 1; cart fees should be paid each week.

SCORE CARDS: Golf Genius will be utilized for twilight league; the Golf Shop will email the GGID to players prior to the start time.

POSTING OF SCORES: Golf Genius will be used to post scores.

SUBSTITUTES: When a team has a substitute player, the team should adjust their letter designations for that night only to accommodate the handicap of the substitute. Example: If a substitute has a handicap that falls in between the regular "A" and "B" player ("C" or "D" player is missing), the substitute should play in the "B" position, and the normal "B" player should play in the "C" position. Substitutes shall clearly enter their first and last name, handicap and the team they are playing for on the scorecard.

ABSENT PLAYERS: If a team is missing a player without a substitute, the opposing team automatically wins one point for that position. A second point is won if the player without an opponent shoots his handicap (rounded up). Example: The "B" player has a handicap of 15 - 16 and no opponent. He wins a second point if he shoots a score of 44 or lower. The remaining team members should play against their regular respective opponent, ie., "A" vs "A", "C" vs. "C", etc. The "B" player should indicate "no opponent" on his scorecard. If both teams are missing a player without a substitute, the three players present should play against an opponent from the other team according to handicap. No points are scored by either team for the vacant position. Please indicate on a scorecard that a player from each team was absent.

BAD WEATHER: If league play is cancelled on a given night due to bad weather, no points will be scored for that night. If play is stopped during a round due to bad weather, points will be scored for any teams that completed at least 5 holes based on handicap spreads applied to the number of holes played. For teams that completed less than 5 holes, the points will be divided evenly.