Each year, Warm Springs Golf Course offers a variety of lessons throughout the year. Adult players are able to chose from weekday group lessons or Saturday Morning Swing Tune Up lessons.
Adult classes are conducted Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (see adult lesson schedule for details). This workshop series is a great way to either introduce a player to the game of golf or refresh a player on some forgotten points.
The Saturday Morning Swing Tune Up group lessons offer a great way to work on your game before heading out for your Saturday round. The tune up lessons will be conducted between 10:00-11:30 a.m.; the Tune Up Lessons focus on full swing and short game (see adult lesson schedule for details).
During the summer, youth lessons are conducted Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday (1 hour lessons); during the spring and fall lessons are conducted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon (1-1/4 hour lessons). These lessons are a great way to either introduce a player to the game of golf or reestablish a player on some forgotten points.
Private group sessions may also be formed with our instructors individually. If you have a group of friends, clients or guests you would like to do a workshop with don't hesitate to give us a call. Warm Springs can customize a lesson offering that will fit your needs.
The proper "fit" for your clubs is something all players should consider. Warm Spring Golf Course staff can help with your decision on the type of clubs you need to improve your golf game.
Current Rates:
- $60 - 3/4 Hour
- $150 - 3 (3/4 Hour lessons)
- $110 Adult Group Lessons
- $45 Adult Saturday Swing
- $79 Youth Group Lessons